All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 160

Carping Critics and the Microfinance Conundrum

Based on its recent impact assessment study of Cambodian microfinance, M-CRIL has written two advisory notes which examine the validity of some of the sensational international headlines and propose reform measures for the sector.


Scaling Parametric Insurance in Pacific Small Island Developing States Through Meso- Level Solutions

This publication focuses on promoting meso-level insurance products designed for development banks, microfinance institutions, provident/pension funds, associations, and cooperatives through the UNCDF-led Pacific Insurance and Climate Adaptation Programme.


An Impact Assessment of Microfinance in Cambodia

This impact assessment aims to understand the success and overall impact of the microfinance sector since the start-up of the microfinance program in Cambodia up to today.


Building Value in Microfinance Through Digitization: A Role for Funders

Funders play a crucial role in ensuring that microfinance institutions (MFIs) continue to serve the most excluded and underserved customers in the future. This note highlights the importance of funders in supporting the digital transformation of MFIs.


Demand and Supply Study Report on Climate and Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance in Papua New Guinea

This report examines challenges associated with access to affordable and suitable insurance for low- and moderate-income communities, risks, and coping mechanisms and identifies unaddressed issues.


Improving Financial Health in Cambodia's Garment Sector Through Responsible Wage Digitalization: Benefits for Women and Business

This report sets out the results from supporting 17 garment factories in Cambodia with over 25,000 workers, 85 percent women, with wage digitalization, and enabling workers to access, use and benefit from their accounts.


Land Titling and Microcredit in Cambodia

This paper explores the neoliberal-oriented theory of change based on the possession and use of private individual land titles by the poor. The theory is tested in Cambodia, where the development of the microcredit sector has been facilitated by the extensive use of land titles as collateral.


Promoting Sustainable and Responsible Finance in Cambodia Through the Cambodian Microfinance Association

This document provides a comprehensive overview of ADA’s support for the development of the Cambodian microfinance sector from 2008 to 2022, including key results, lessons learnt and impact.


Finance for All: A Practical Guide to Disability Inclusion for Financial Services Providers in Cambodia

This manual provides guidance for financial services providers to make their products and services accessible for all clients, including those with disabilities.


Financial Inclusion of Refugees in Jordan

This report looks back at what has been achieved in the financial inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers in Jordan since 2015, when the Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) first launched its initiative to enhance national financial inclusion.