All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 17

Literature Review: Micro and Small Enterprise (MSEs’) Financing in Kenya, Uganda and India

The Literature Review delves into the landscape of women-owned nano and micro-enterprises in India, Kenya, and Uganda, summarizing the existing knowledge and gaps, with the aim of unlocking more capital and effectively meeting these enterprises' financial and non-financial needs.


Women in the Digital Economy: Challenges & Opportunities in the Shea Value Chain in Uganda

This publication highlights the untapped opportunity the shea value chain in Northern Uganda presents, with the potential to transform the livelihood of individuals, families and the entire region if harnessed well.


Remote Coaching to Prevent Dormancy Among Low-Income Savers

Research findings from Uganda sharing results from qualitative interviews with women who report greater sense of trust and relationship with the bank and improved saving behavior as a result of coaching.

Case Study

Informed Design: A Case Study Series (WomenSave)

The first in a new case study series from FinEquity on informed design and digital financial services (DFS). This study examines product and service design by WomenSave, an organization targeting poor (living on less than $2 a day) women in underserved areas of Uganda through financial literacy training and financial advisory services, access to mobile money and goal-based savings plans.


Women’s Financial Inclusion Toolkit

This toolkit is designed to aid the design and implementation of women's financial inclusion and empowerment programs.


Evidence Review of Women's Groups and COVID-19: Impacts, Challenges, and Policy Implications for Savings Groups in Africa

This brief presents emerging evidence from studies in diverse African contexts on how COVID-19 has affected savings groups and how these groups have helped mitigate the pandemic’s negative consequences in sub-Saharan Africa.

Case Study

Her Resilience in the Face of COVID-19

A data deep dive into the customer base of two financial service providers engaging with low-income women


Health Microinsurance: An Inclusive Approach

Developing suitable health financing options for low-income families
Case Study

Promoting Empowerment of Women and Gender Equality through Integrated Microfinance, Value-Chain Support and Gender Capacity Building

Evaluating a microfinance cooperative's efforts in advancing gender equality

Microfinance in East Africa: Schemes for Women in the Coffee Sector

Overview of savings and credit landscape for women