All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 15

MIMOSA 2.0: Mapping the (micro)credit Cycle

Establishing a standard framework for measuring credit saturation

Debt, Borrowing and Over-indebtedness: a Country-Level Monitoring Framework

Proposal for a "Debt Watch" to review national policies, actions and gaps
Case Study

Emerging Risks to Consumer Protection in Branchless Banking: Key Findings from Colombia Case Study

Protecting users and mitigating risks in the use of mobile financial services in Colombia

Responding to a Crisis at FUNDESER

Ensuring client protection through high ethical standards and sound risk management

Over-Indebtedness of Microborrowers in Ghana

Protecting microfinance clients from over-indebtedness
Case Study

Overindebtedness in Microfinance: Case-study of the Clientele of Financiera CREAR in Los Olivos, Lima Norte, Peru

How can overindebtedness in the microfinance industry be curbed?

Indebtedness of Microcredit Clients in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Analyzing reasons for over-indebtedness of microcredit clients in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Indebtedness of Microcredit Clients in Kosovo

The incidence of over-indebtedness & factors affecting indebtedness of microcredit clients in Kosovo
Case Study

Facing Over-Indebtedness at Partner Microcredit Foundation

How can clients and institutions avoid over-indebtedness?

Responding to the Regional Financial Crisis: Practical Strategies for Managing Risk While Planning for Growth

Proceedings from the conference “Encuentro Centroamericano de Microfinanzas,” September 10-11, 2009