All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 13
Guide / Toolkit

FinTech and Digital Financial Services Ecosystem Data for Supervision and Market Intelligence

This report aims to guide regulators and central banks in adopting ecosystem-based data collection approaches, offering practical insights and a standardized taxonomy for enhanced decision-making, supervision, and the pursuit of financial inclusion goals.


Open Banking and Inclusive Finance in the European Union: Perspectives From the Dutch Stakeholder Ecosystem

This working paper examines the impact of the revised Payment Services Directive and open banking platforms on inclusive finance in the EU, with a focus on the Netherlands' fintech ecosystem.


Supervisory Implications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

This Note describes some of the uses of artificial intelligence and machine learning by financial institutions; considers the supervisory responses to such uses; and highlights some ways in which supervisory authorities can themselves use AI and ML to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of supervision.


Fintech and Financial Inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean

This paper analyzes how governments can leverage rapid expansion of fintech activities to drive financial inclusion in the region.


The Prospects and Dangers of Algorithmic Credit Scoring in Vietnam: Regulating a Legal Blindspot

This study argues that adequate regulation is vital to delivering big data and machine learning's promises in financial services while ensuring fairness and public interest.


The Global COVID-19 Fintech Regulatory Rapid Assessment Study

Assessing how central banks and other financial regulators are responding to the challenges of COVID-19


Early Lessons on Regulatory Innovations to Enable Inclusive FinTech: Innovation Offices, Regulatory Sandboxes, and RegTech

Interviews with over 40 regulatory authorities and other subject matter experts in 20 economies

The Bali Fintech Agenda: A Blueprint for Successfully Harnessing Fintech’s Opportunities

12 policy elements to help countries harness the benefits of financial technology advances

Fintech and Financial Services: Initial Considerations

Recommendations for regulatory authorities on balancing efficiency and stability