All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 13
Case Study

What it Takes: Insights From Women Leaders in Financial Inclusion

This case study research shares the insights of past program participants in order to motivate other aspiring women leaders, provoke conversation, and inspire new career pathways.


Business Her Own Way: Creating Livelihoods Through Informal Online Commerce

This Focus Note outlines the characteristics of informal online commerce (IOC), maps the personas of the women who engage in it, and provides guidance to funders looking to support women to generate livelihoods through IOC.


Enabling Women’s Financial Inclusion Through Digital Financial Literacy

This brief helps unpack the different dimensions of digital financial literacy (DFL) and demonstrate why they should not be tackled in isolation as they are very much connected. It includes four case studies of organizations addressing DFL in their work in Cambodia, Bangladesh, and Ghana.


Women’s Financial Inclusion Toolkit

This toolkit is designed to aid the design and implementation of women's financial inclusion and empowerment programs.


Empowering Women on a Journey Towards Digital Financial Capability

This report focuses on building the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for customers to engage with digital financial services.


Learning to Navigate a New Financial Technology: Evidence From Payroll Accounts

How do inexperienced consumers learn to use a new financial technology? 


Lessons from Farming Households: Agricultural Decision Making and Shifting Social Norms for Women’s Economic Empowerment

What are the operational implications for encouraging greater engagement of women in agriculture and finance?

Experiences in Gender-Sensitive Solutions to Collateral Constraints

How the use of non-conventional collateral can contribute to improved access to affordable credit

The Mobile Gender Gap Report 2020

Findings based on surveys in 15 low- and middle-income countries

Bridging the Gender Gap: Promoting Women’s Financial Inclusion

Guidance on tackling challenges in achieving gender parity in financial inclusion