All Publications

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Guide / Toolkit

A Technical Guide to Unlock Agent Networks at the Last Mile

This guide outlines five key actions for digital financial service providers, regulators, and funders to expand rural Cash-In and Cash-Out agent networks based on CGAP's global experience.


Women Agents for Financial Inclusion: Exploring the Benefits, Constraints, and Potential Solutions

This working paper explores the benefits of having more women agents, the challenges they face, and potential solutions to promote their participation in the DFS ecosystem.

Slide Deck

The Role of Mobile Money Providers and Their Agents in Protecting Customers’ Data​

This slide deck presents research findings identifying good practices of responsible agents in safeguarding their customers’ data and the role that providers can play in promoting these practices.

Case Study

Bancolombia: Financial Inclusion and Banking Correspondents

This case study goes in-depth on how the Bancolombia's agent network expansion strategy evolved and the agent network management models it developed to increase geographic coverage in a viable manner.


Agent Network Journeys Toward the Last Mile: A Cross-Country Perspective December 2020

This Focus Note reveals three distinct journeys country stakeholders have taken to extend the reach and quality of rural agent networks in China, Colombia, India, Indonesia, and Kenya.

Slide Deck

Agent Network Journeys: Country Deep Dives

Detailed country case studies on the agent network journey
Case Study

Taking Human-Centered Design from Theory to Practice: UGAFODE’S AirSave Considerations for Financial Service Providers

How can formal savings tools be better suited to the needs of low-income Ugandans?

Supervision of Banks and Nonbanks Operating through Agents: Practice in Nine Countries and Insights for Supervisors

Review of supervisory practices in countries with large and diverse agent networks

Agent Network Accelerator Survey: Uganda Country Report 2013

Assessing the performance of agent networks in Uganda

A New Agent Model for Branchless Banking in Colombia

Branchless banking through MFIs