All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 15
Case Study

Financial Inclusion and Resilience: How BRAC’s Microfinance Program Recovered from the West Africa Ebola Crisis

This case study explores how BRAC's microfinance companies in Liberia and Sierra Leone responded to the Ebola crisis in 2014, enabling to deliver a remarkable recovery of its operations.

Case Study

Compare: Practices & Results of a Selection of Solar Power/Microfinance Projects in West Africa

Promoting development in poor communities by self-sufficient and sustaining activities

How Can Microfinance for Housing, Land, and Infrastructure Catalyze Slum Improvements and New Settlements?

Paper presented at the 2011 Global Microcredit Summit, November 14-17, 2011, Valladolid, Spain

Trade in Financial Services: Mobile Banking in Southern Africa

Providing a safe regulatory environment for cross-border branchless banking

Field Manual - Supporting Microfinance Through Grants in Post-Crisis Settings

Supporting MFIs in countries recovering from conflict or natural disaster

Robust Microfinance Sectors Post-conflict: West Africa

Lessons learned in developing microfinance in conflict-affected regions

The Luanda Urban Poverty Programme

The LUPP work to meet poverty reduction strategy goal of halving poverty levels by 2015

Microfinance Development in Liberia - An Initial Assessment

How to develop microfinance in a post-conflict situtation?

Brief 3- Developing Post-Conflict Microfinance Institutions: The Experiences of Liberia and Kosovo

Lessons learned from two contrasting post-conflict case studies