All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 17

The Mobile Gender Gap Report 2020

Findings based on surveys in 15 low- and middle-income countries
Case Study

Financial Inclusion and Resilience: How BRAC’s Microfinance Program Recovered from the West Africa Ebola Crisis

This case study explores how BRAC's microfinance companies in Liberia and Sierra Leone responded to the Ebola crisis in 2014, enabling to deliver a remarkable recovery of its operations.


Financial Education Initiatives in the Arab Region: A Stocktaking Report

Status of financial education in eight selected countries in the Arab region

Costs and Sustainability of Sharia-Compliant Microfinance Products

Evaluating the sustainability of sharia-compliant microfinance products

Can Postal Networks Advance Financial Inclusion in the Arab World?

How can postal networks facilitate financial inclusion in Arab countries?
Case Study

Compare: Practices & Results of a Selection of Solar Power/Microfinance Projects in West Africa

Promoting development in poor communities by self-sufficient and sustaining activities

Islamic Banking and Finance in North Africa

Examining the state of Islamic finance in North Africa

Financial Inclusion in the Middle East and North Africa: Analysis and Roadmap Recommendations

Improving financial access through microfinance

Field Manual - Supporting Microfinance Through Grants in Post-Crisis Settings

Supporting MFIs in countries recovering from conflict or natural disaster