All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 213

Scaling Responsible Digital Payments in the Indonesian Cocoa Sector

For digital payments to be meaningful for farmers, the study finds that digitization needs to be strongly linked to access to a broader suite of financial services, to unlock farm investments and smooth day-to-day consumption. 


Advancing Financial Inclusion Through Platform-Enabled Financial Services: Exploring Key Segments in Low- And Middle-Income Countries

This report highlights the actions that should be taken by countries, firms, and development actors to maximize the potential of digital platforms to contribute to low-income livelihoods and increase financial inclusion.


An Introduction to the Small Firm Diaries

The Small Firm Diaries is a global research initiative to better understand small firms in low-income neighborhoods of developing countries, especially the barriers to growth such firms face, through high frequency quantitative and qualitative data collection (“financial diaries”).


Empowering Indonesia’s Artisans: Financial Inclusion Insights

This study takes a comprehensive look at the relationship between financial inclusion and economic empowerment through contextual factors such as social norms, income, and financial capability among women artisans in Indonesia.


Developing an Impact Monitoring System for Sida’s Guarantee Instrument

This publication shares key learnings from case studies from Guatemala and Bosnia and Herzegovina and illustrates their contribution to co-designing an impact monitoring system for Sweden’s guarantee instrument.


Women: Risk and Consumer Protection in Online Leading Platforms in Indonesia

This study delves into women's experiences as users of online lending platforms in Indonesia using a gender lens to examine the risks in online lending platforms unique to women.


Customer-Centric and Responsible Digital Credit Solutions for Urban and Rural Non-farm Entrepreneurs and Smallholder Farmers

This analysis of digital credit users in India, Indonesia, and Kenya assesses the impact of digital credit on their financial health.


How Can Financial Services Support Platform Work? Insights from Five Emerging Markets

Based on research with platforms and their workers across five countries, this report describes the platform ecosystem in emerging markets, the experiences of workers and sellers in key sectors, and how financial services can help these workers improve their livelihoods.


Measuring Progress 2021: Financial Inclusion in Selected ASEAN Countries

This report seeks to embed the critical supporting role of financial inclusion in achieving the vision of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint 2025 within the context of inclusive growth.