All Publications

Showing 1 - 8 of 8

Low-Income Lives: Education

Analyzing the flow of money spent on schooling in Bangladeshi households

Financing Low Cost Private Schools through Microfinance

Examining provision of finance and technical assistance to low cost private schools in Pakistan
Case Study

Inclusive Finance for Low Cost Private Schools in Pakistan: Serving a New Client Segment with Sector-specific Strategies

Supporting access to education by designing financial products for schools

Preliminary Evidence on Internal Migration, Remittances and Teen Schooling in India

Examining correlation between remittances and human capital investment

Child Labour and Schooling Responses to Access to Microcredit in Rural Bangladesh

Impact of microcredit on children's education and child labor

Costs of Basic Services in Kerala, 2007 Education, Health, Childbirth and Finance (Loans)

Examining pattern and cost of services critical to households

Linkages Between Microfinance and Effective Education with a Focus on Parental Involvement

How can microfinance institutions aid parental involvement in education?