All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 161

Assessing the State of Youth Financial Inclusion in Developing Contexts

This guide draws primarily from the lessons learned during the realization of a series of assessments on the state of youth financial inclusion in Uganda, Kenya, and Guatemala in 2019 and 2020.


No Small Business: A Segmented Approach to Better Finance for Micro and Small Enterprises

This Focus Note advocates the importance of a segmented approach to addressing micro and small enterprises (MSE) needs and focuses on MSEs with up to 20 employees.


How Can Financial Services Support Platform Work? Insights from Five Emerging Markets

Based on research with platforms and their workers across five countries, this report describes the platform ecosystem in emerging markets, the experiences of workers and sellers in key sectors, and how financial services can help these workers improve their livelihoods.

Slide Deck

Women in the Platform Economy: Emerging Insights

This slide deck shares female workers’ experiences and how financial services can help make platforms more inclusive.


Study of the Situation and Perspectives for Microfinance Sector

Survey of African financial institution executives on their expectations post pandemic


Measuring Progress: Financial Inclusion in Selected SADC Countries

Working methodology in measuring and evaluating the impact of national financial inclusion strategies


Scoping and Assessment Report - MSME Access to Finance Ecosystem in Africa

How can the MSME financing ecosystem in Africa be improved?


Electric Bankers: Utility-Enabled Finance in Sub-Saharan Africa

Without appliances, people cannot make use of electricity. But how can low-income households afford costly electrical appliances? One answer is for utilities to offer consumer financing.


Digital Financial Services in Nigeria: State of the Market Report 2019

In-depth exploration of consumer profiles, the gender gap, and a review of DFS policy landscape

Inclusive Finance? Headline Findings from FinAccess 2019

Deep dive into the data on the relevance and impact of finance for people’s well-being