All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 566

Financial Inclusion and Disruptive Innovation: Regulatory Implications

This working paper explores the latest wave of disruptive financial services innovations to better understand the regulatory changes that allow EMDEs to harness their financial inclusion potential while containing consumer and financial sector risk.

Responsible DPI for Improving Outcomes Beyond Inclusion

Amid the enthusiasm to expand and scale digital public infrastructure (DPI) models to dozens of new markets, this report explores the opportunities for DPI to be built and deployed responsibly for three fundamental elements of financial inclusion: identity (ID), payments, and consent-based data exchanges. 


The Role of Supervision in the Financial Inclusion of Forcibly Displaced Persons

This Note discusses the expansion of access to finance for forcibly displaced persons and the unique challenges it presents for financial regulators and supervisors.


Gender Inclusive Finance Roadmap for the Latin America and Caribbean Region

This report provides evidence-based, gender-transformative policy solutions that consider the unique needs, interests, and behaviors of both women and men.


Digital Payments Roadmap: Towards Inclusive, Accessible, Effective And Sustainable Digital Payments In South Africa

The purpose of this Roadmap is to identify obstacles, barriers and challenges to the adoption of an increased and effective usage of digital payments, and to develop a multi-disciplinary and stakeholder action plan to unlock the inclusivity, effectiveness and sustainability of digital payments in South Africa.


Islamic Finance and Financial Inclusion: AFI Members’ Perspectives

This report highlights initiatives and promotes collaboration to further advance financial inclusion through Islamic finance.


Make Recourse Clear, Quick and Responsive

This resource is meant for Better Than Cash Alliance members and partners aiming to fortify recourse mechanisms through policy evolution.


The Impact of Mobile Money Interoperability on Financial Inclusion

This report assesses the impact of mobile money interoperability by considering the economic literature on interoperability more generally and utilizing a case study approach in five mobile money countries: Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda and Tanzania.


Call to Action: Responsible Digital Payments to Accelerate Climate Action

This publication calls for urgent measures to address climate vulnerability by expanding digital payments and digital public infrastructure and putting women, youth, indigenous peoples, and communities in fragile and climate-vulnerable areas at the center of adaptation planning.


Lessons for Global Microfinance from… the United States?

Insights into key questions about the future of global microfinance, and specifically the future of policy and subsidy for microfinance, can be gained from an unlikely place: the United States.