All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 145
Case Study

Behavioural Applications to Digital Finance

Insights for FSPs looking to better understand their customers’ financial behavior
Case Study

Tanzania Postal Bank: Digital Financial Inclusion Through POPOTE

Analyzing success factors for the bank's mobile and agency banking services

Youth Economic Opportunity Ecosystem Analysis: Tanzania Country Report

Comprehensive assessment of youth employment and demand for financial services

National Survey and Segmentation of Smallholder Households in Tanzania: Understanding Their Demand for Financial, Agricultural, and Digital Solutions

Examining how smallholder families manage their income and expenses
Guide / Toolkit

Guide to the Use of Digital Financial Services in Agriculture

Tool for identifying chronic value chain challenges and corresponding solutions

Smallholder Diaries: Building the Evidence Base with Farming Families in Mozambique, Tanzania, and Pakistan

How do small-scale agricultural producers manage their money?

Understanding Demand, Driving Innovation: Smallholder Households and Financial Services

Drawing on information from financial inclusion generally and smallholder finance specifically
Case Study

Competition in Mobile Financial Services: Lessons from Kenya &Tanzania

Insights on the role that effective competition and competition policy play in developing MFS