All Publications

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Literature Review: Micro and Small Enterprise (MSEs’) Financing in Kenya, Uganda and India

The Literature Review delves into the landscape of women-owned nano and micro-enterprises in India, Kenya, and Uganda, summarizing the existing knowledge and gaps, with the aim of unlocking more capital and effectively meeting these enterprises' financial and non-financial needs.


From Crisis to Resilience: The Role of Inclusive Finance in Fragile Countries

This working paper identifies three levers of change for funders in contexts where long-term financial market building is a challenge: leveraging humanitarian cash transfers, understanding informal financial services, and improving local market facilitation.


2022 Trends in International Funding for Financial Inclusion

The 2022 CGAP Funder Survey looks at the latest trends in international funding for financial inclusion. Understanding the funding landscape can support better funding decisions and coordination, and ultimately lead to better outcomes for underserved people worldwide.


Rethinking Responsible Equity Exits: A Call to Action for Impact Investors

This paper is a call to action for all impact investors to ensure their exits uphold the values they have championed throughout their investments. It provides a roadmap of recommendations to help investors stay cool in hot markets, know when to exit responsibly and secure their impact. 


What Win-Win Lost: Rethinking Microfinance Subsidy in the Past and Designing for the Future

This working paper calls for reclaiming the power and value of subsidy to accomplish policy goals in order for the future of social investment in microfinance to be more effective.


How and Why We Finance SMEs

This paper tells the story of BII’s efforts to close the SME financing gap, tries to explain why the gap exists, and examines what the evidence has to say about the development impact of improving access to finance for SMEs.


Investing in Climate Tech Innovation in Africa

This report includes insights into the sectors, technologies, target users, geographies, founder characteristics, funding trends, and exit paths of climate ventures in Africa.


Building Value in Microfinance Through Digitization: A Role for Funders

Funders play a crucial role in ensuring that microfinance institutions (MFIs) continue to serve the most excluded and underserved customers in the future. This note highlights the importance of funders in supporting the digital transformation of MFIs.


Investor Roadmap for Inclusive Green Growth

This collaborative report shares new research that highlights the commercial impetus to accelerate a wave of green investment into emerging markets.


Investing in Equitable AI for Inclusive Finance

This publication gives an overview of the use cases of AI in inclusive finance and some of the drivers of harmful AI bias towards women.