All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 25

Warehouse Receipt Financing in Pakistan

Assessing the status of this type of agricultural credit based on interviews with 23 organizations

Bridging the "Missing Middle" between Microfinance and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Finance in South Asia

How to address the financing needs of small firms in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan
Case Study

Client Voices Pakistan Country Report

Exploring the dynamics of long-term relationships between MFIs and their clients

Is Health Microinsurance Sustainable? An Analysis of Five South Asian Schemes

Designing a viable business case for offering health microinsurance products

Costs and Sustainability of Sharia-Compliant Microfinance Products

Evaluating the sustainability of sharia-compliant microfinance products
Case Study

The Value of Claim Analysis in Health Microinsurance: Learnings from Three South Asian Cases

Using claims data to improve health microinsurance products and services

Pakistan FII Survey Wave 1 Report

Assessing the use of digital financial services in Pakistan
Case Study

Factors Considered by Rural Customers while Adopting New Microfinance Banking Services: A Case Study of Upper Sindh

Studying the attitude of rural customers towards new microfinance services

Efficiency, Productivity, Risk and Profitability of Microfinance Industry in Pakistan: A Statistical Analysis

Assessing factors impacting the performance of microfinance providers in Pakistan
Case Study

Inclusive Finance for Low Cost Private Schools in Pakistan: Serving a New Client Segment with Sector-specific Strategies

Supporting access to education by designing financial products for schools