All Publications

Showing 1 - 9 of 9
Guide / Toolkit

A Technical Guide to Unlock Agent Networks at the Last Mile

This guide outlines five key actions for digital financial service providers, regulators, and funders to expand rural Cash-In and Cash-Out agent networks based on CGAP's global experience.


Women Agents for Financial Inclusion: Exploring the Benefits, Constraints, and Potential Solutions

This working paper explores the benefits of having more women agents, the challenges they face, and potential solutions to promote their participation in the DFS ecosystem.

Slide Deck

Mobile Money Agents: Sustainability in the Digital Era - Findings From Mozambique

This report looks at the pressing challenges affecting Mozambican mobile money agents to inform the players in the ecosystem and create sustainable strategies to improve agent networks.


Improving Distribution of Digital Financial Services in Rural Areas

Research highlight on rural agents in Senegal
Case Study

Growing Big While Still Small: A Case Study on Kazang Prepaid

How to deal with the classic challenges impeding the expansion of agent networks
Case Study

Taking Human-Centered Design from Theory to Practice: UGAFODE’S AirSave Considerations for Financial Service Providers

How can formal savings tools be better suited to the needs of low-income Ugandans?

Regulatory Framework for DFS in Côte d’Ivoire: A Diagnostic Study

Overview of key market and policy developments and recommendations
Case Study

Tanzania Postal Bank: Digital Financial Inclusion Through POPOTE

Analyzing success factors for the bank's mobile and agency banking services

Agent Network Accelerator Survey: Kenya Country Report 2013

Studying the agent network management in Kenya