All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 64
Guide / Toolkit

Open Finance Self-Assessment Tool and Development Roadmap

This technical guide introduces the open finance self-assessment tool and development roadmap. It provides practical tools for policymakers to use to decide whether to implement an open finance regime to advance financial inclusion.

Slide Deck

Mobile Money Agents: Sustainability in the Digital Era - Findings From Mozambique

This report looks at the pressing challenges affecting Mozambican mobile money agents to inform the players in the ecosystem and create sustainable strategies to improve agent networks.


Business Her Own Way: Creating Livelihoods Through Informal Online Commerce

This Focus Note outlines the characteristics of informal online commerce (IOC), maps the personas of the women who engage in it, and provides guidance to funders looking to support women to generate livelihoods through IOC.


Microfinance Clients Facing the COVID-19 Crisis: From Findings to Action for MFIs

This publication presents the main results of MFI client surveys in seven countries (Bhutan, Myanmar, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo, Cape Verde and El Salvador), as well as the concrete measures taken by MFIs to meet the needs expressed by their clients.


A COVID Microfinance Liquidity Tour of Asia

Cross country data and analysis on different types of microfinance service providers


An Assessment of Policy and Regulatory Constraints and Enablers to Women’s Financial Inclusion in Myanmar

In-depth review and analysis of existing policies and regulations accompanied by a literature review


Myanmar Microfinance Money Management: Coping With the COVID Crisis

Advisory Note on the liquidity of microfinance institutions in the country
Case Study

Women’s Demand for Financial Services in Conflict and Post Conflict Areas

Key findings from focus group discussions with 146 participants to understand women’s demand for financial services
Case Study

NBC Mozambique

This Case Brief showcases the partnership between International Labour Organization - Social Finance and NBC Mozambique through which partnerships  were identified and secured to distribute microinsurance in the country.


Deconstructing the Gender Gap in Rural Financial Inclusion

The cases of Mozambique and Tanzania