All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 21
Case Study

Youth Financial Inclusion in Kenya: Co-creating a Way Forward

Designing savings products to promote financial inclusion among youth
Case Study

Building a Sustainable Youth Proposition: Lessons from Banco ADOPEM

Analyzing Banco ADOPEM’s approach of designing a youth savings product
Case Study

A Study on the Use and Benefits of Technology to Promote Youth Savings

Using technology to encourage savings among youth
Case Study

Youth's Financial Inclusion Policy Reform Study: Case Study of Youth in Post and Ongoing Conflict

Identifying the opportunities and challenges in demand and supply of microfinance services in Sudan
Case Study

Vittana's First 1500 Student Borrowers

Helping poor students access loans for higher education
Case Study

Down to Business: Ryada Microfinance's Experience Introducing Financial Services for Youth

Sharing lessons from a pilot project of youth-inclusive microfinance in Palestine
Case Study

Empowering Rwanda Youth through Savings-led Microfinance

Introducing savings-led microfinance methodology to orphans and vulnerable children