All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 264
Slide Deck

Consumer Risks and Digital Financial Services: A Côte d’Ivoire Study

This study is part of the activities of the Laboratory for the Protection of Digital Financial Services Users launched by CGAP in 2021 with an objective to accompany local actors in building a responsible ecosystem for digital financial services.

Guide / Toolkit

Core Indicators to Measure Financial Health and Inclusion

The aim of this guidance is to facilitate the processes of target setting, action plan design and reporting for banks that have chosen financial health and/or financial inclusion as one of their areas of significant impact.


Customer-Centric and Responsible Digital Credit Solutions for Urban and Rural Non-farm Entrepreneurs and Smallholder Farmers

This analysis of digital credit users in India, Indonesia, and Kenya assesses the impact of digital credit on their financial health.


Kenya: A Financial Consumer Protection & Debt Policy Review

This publication looks at the consumer landing landscape for the poor and makes financial inclusion, financial consumer protection, and financial literacy-related suggestions to the Kenyan Government.


Consumer Advisory Panels

This paper synthesizes desk research and in-depth discussions with consumer advisory panel representatives around the world.


Trapped in the Service of Debt: How the Burdens of Repayment Are Fueling the Health Poverty Trap in Rural Cambodia

This Cambodia-focused report evidences how household debt is manifesting as a public health crisis that is fueling the health poverty trap in rural Cambodia.

Slide Deck

Analysis of Peru’s Financial Consumer Listening Mechanisms

This slide deck presents the findings of research commissioned by CGAP as part of its work on empowering market conduct authorities and other stakeholders to monitor consumer risks and elevating collective consumers’ voice.

Slide Deck

Customer Outcomes-Based Approach to Consumer Protection: A Guide to Measuring Outcomes

This reading deck summarizes lessons from a pilot exercise that involved the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) and five FSPs in South Africa focused on measuring intermediate customer outcomes from a supervisory perspective. 

Guide / Toolkit

Building Cyber Resilience for Digital Financial Inclusion and Innovation

The Cyber Resilience Toolkit provides a guide to strengthening cybersecurity and effectively handling cyber incidents for financial service providers.


Responsible Social Protection: Lessons From COVID-19 Digital Cash Transfers

This publication uncovers consumer risks arising from the rapidly digitizing G2P programs aimed at the most vulnerable in society, most of whom have no prior experience with digital technology or the formal financial system.