All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 44

Women Agents for Financial Inclusion: Exploring the Benefits, Constraints, and Potential Solutions

This working paper explores the benefits of having more women agents, the challenges they face, and potential solutions to promote their participation in the DFS ecosystem.


Driving Financial Resilience Through Formal Savings Among the Low-Income Population

Based on customer research in Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, and Uganda, this paper provides a synthesis of findings that help understand to what extent savings allowed customers to increase their financial resilience.


Social and Solidarity Economy: Social Innovation Catalyst in Africa?

The report highlights internal and external factors impacting social and solidarity economy organizations in their social innovation process and presents a set of policy recommendations to unlock their potential.


Policy Framework on MSME Data Collection: A Guide for Gender Inclusive Finance

This Framework provides data collection guidance for MSME and gender inclusive finance, defines an extended set of MSME finance indicators, and shares best practices to advance financial inclusion for MSMEs.


Preserving Liquidity: Policymaker Responses to COVID-19 and the Impact on Low-Income Customers

Initial lessons learned and suggestions for dealing with the current and future crises

Financial Education Initiatives in the Arab Region: A Stocktaking Report

Status of financial education in eight selected countries in the Arab region

Health Microinsurance: An Inclusive Approach

Developing suitable health financing options for low-income families

She for Shield: Insure Women to Better Protect All

Analysis of the women's insurance market globally and within 10 emerging markets

Where Credit is Due

Results from seven randomized evaluations of the impact of microcredit