All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 555
Guide / Toolkit

Measuring Women’s Economic Empowerment in Financial Sector Deepening and Financial Inclusion Programmes

Given the complexities of measuring women's economic empowerment (WEE), this Guidance Note presents a framework and methodology for measuring the WEE outcomes of Financial Sector Deepening (FSD) projects and interventions.


The Impact of Financial Inclusion on Young Women’s Well-Being

This working paper finds that in addition to improving financial skills and savings levels, financial inclusion initiatives may also improve health and livelihood outcomes for young women when combined with other interventions.

Case Study

The Role Regulators Play in Closing the Financial Inclusion Gender Gap: A Case Study of Peru

This case study offers an overview of the current state of women's financial inclusion in Peru.


Improving Financial Health in Cambodia's Garment Sector Through Responsible Wage Digitalization: Benefits for Women and Business

This report sets out the results from supporting 17 garment factories in Cambodia with over 25,000 workers, 85 percent women, with wage digitalization, and enabling workers to access, use and benefit from their accounts.


UNCDF Gender Financing Case Studies

The UNCDF Gender financing case studies report showcases 32 examples of how strategic financing interventions can promote women's economic empowerment and gender equality.


Women Agents for Financial Inclusion: Exploring the Benefits, Constraints, and Potential Solutions

This working paper explores the benefits of having more women agents, the challenges they face, and potential solutions to promote their participation in the DFS ecosystem.


Women in the Digital Economy: Challenges & Opportunities in the Shea Value Chain in Uganda

This publication highlights the untapped opportunity the shea value chain in Northern Uganda presents, with the potential to transform the livelihood of individuals, families and the entire region if harnessed well.


Reaching Financial Equality for Women

This publication offers a 10-point action plan for governments, companies, and international organizations to help end women's economic exclusion.


Sending Cash Transfers to Women: How to Design Programs that Enhance Well-Being While Safeguarding Against Intimate Partner Violence

This report examines existing evidence on the impact of cash transfers on intimate partner violence against women and proposes design approaches to mitigate and minimize those risks.


UNCDF: Gender Equality Strategy 2022-2025

The Strategy highlights the centrality of addressing structural and discriminatory practices, and creating a conducive policy and institutional framework as an important foundation on which to build a financing agenda that targets equitable economic development and gender-responsive transformation.