Designing Cash Transfer and Graduation Programs to Support Women’s Economic Activity: Synthesis of Recent Literature
This review summarizes the impact of such interventions as graduation programs and cash transfers, as well as variations in design and delivery, on economic, and non-economic outcomes among female recipients.
2022 Trends in International Funding for Financial Inclusion
The 2022 CGAP Funder Survey looks at the latest trends in international funding for financial inclusion. Understanding the funding landscape can support better funding decisions and coordination, and ultimately lead to better outcomes for underserved people worldwide.
Gender-Intentional Credit Scoring
This guide introduces a gender-lens analytical framework for lenders to determine whether lending decisions and outcomes in their portfolios differ by gender and, if so, how.
Supply-Side Gender Disaggregated Data for Advancing Financial Inclusion
This paper explores how supply-side gender-disaggregated data has been collected and used, mainly by financial sector authorities but also by providers, and the challenges and opportunities associated with this work.
What Women Say About Microfinance
This report offers an in-depth look at the impact of microfinance and financial services on women's financial resilience, access to finance, and on their businesses and households.
The Impact of Financial Inclusion on Young Women’s Well-Being
This working paper finds that in addition to improving financial skills and savings levels, financial inclusion initiatives may also improve health and livelihood outcomes for young women when combined with other interventions.
Reaching Financial Equality for Women
This publication offers a 10-point action plan for governments, companies, and international organizations to help end women's economic exclusion.
Sending Cash Transfers to Women: How to Design Programs that Enhance Well-Being While Safeguarding Against Intimate Partner Violence
This report examines existing evidence on the impact of cash transfers on intimate partner violence against women and proposes design approaches to mitigate and minimize those risks.
Bolstering Women’s Climate Resilience and Adaptation Through Financial Services
This working paper illustrates how women are differently impacted by climate change and how financial services can play a better role in strengthening their autonomous adaptive capacities to climate change.
Advancing Gender Equality While Driving Business Growth
This brief outlines why financial service providers should advance gender equality in financial inclusion and how they can approach this process.