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An Impact Assessment of Microfinance in Cambodia

This impact assessment aims to understand the success and overall impact of the microfinance sector since the start-up of the microfinance program in Cambodia up to today.

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The Six Village Story – India: An Assessment of the Real Gap in Financial Inclusion

This study intends to unpack the on-ground status of financial inclusion in six villages in India.


Advancing Livelihoods Through Financial Inclusion in Iraq

This report provides an overview of the target market and enabling environment for the financial services industry in Iraq.

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Low-Income Financial Services Market Sizing and Fintech Assessment: Peru Country Report

This study presents the findings of research to establish the status of access to finance for MSEs and the size of the credit market across four different geographies, including Peru.


Promoting Sustainable and Responsible Finance in Cambodia Through the Cambodian Microfinance Association

This document provides a comprehensive overview of ADA’s support for the development of the Cambodian microfinance sector from 2008 to 2022, including key results, lessons learnt and impact.


Assessing the State of Youth Financial Inclusion in Developing Contexts

This guide draws primarily from the lessons learned during the realization of a series of assessments on the state of youth financial inclusion in Uganda, Kenya, and Guatemala in 2019 and 2020.


Microfinance in Europe: Survey Report (2022 Edition)

The 2022 edition of the Microfinance Survey in Europe offers a snapshot of the microfinance sector from 2020-2021, during and after the most severe phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.


2022 State of the Sector Report: Celebrating 10 Years of Agri-SME Finance

This report draws upon data from the portfolios of 17 financial institutions to share market insights and reflections on 10 years of practitioner collaboration.


No Small Business: A Segmented Approach to Better Finance for Micro and Small Enterprises

This Focus Note advocates the importance of a segmented approach to addressing micro and small enterprises (MSE) needs and focuses on MSEs with up to 20 employees.


How Can Financial Services Support Platform Work? Insights from Five Emerging Markets

Based on research with platforms and their workers across five countries, this report describes the platform ecosystem in emerging markets, the experiences of workers and sellers in key sectors, and how financial services can help these workers improve their livelihoods.