All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 192

Financial Inclusion and Disruptive Innovation: Regulatory Implications

This working paper explores the latest wave of disruptive financial services innovations to better understand the regulatory changes that allow EMDEs to harness their financial inclusion potential while containing consumer and financial sector risk.

Carping Critics and the Microfinance Conundrum

Based on its recent impact assessment study of Cambodian microfinance, M-CRIL has written two advisory notes which examine the validity of some of the sensational international headlines and propose reform measures for the sector.


Positive Friction for Responsible Digital Lending: A Call to Action

This report explores how strategically adding friction to digital financial services can benefit both lenders and borrowers.


Rethinking Responsible Equity Exits: A Call to Action for Impact Investors

This paper is a call to action for all impact investors to ensure their exits uphold the values they have championed throughout their investments. It provides a roadmap of recommendations to help investors stay cool in hot markets, know when to exit responsibly and secure their impact. 


Make Recourse Clear, Quick and Responsive

This resource is meant for Better Than Cash Alliance members and partners aiming to fortify recourse mechanisms through policy evolution.


Lessons for Global Microfinance from… the United States?

Insights into key questions about the future of global microfinance, and specifically the future of policy and subsidy for microfinance, can be gained from an unlikely place: the United States. 


Applying Privacy by Design to Inclusive Finance Product Design

This brief is intended for inclusive finance practitioners, discussing three key challenges for implementation of CFI's Privacy as Product playbook and attempts addressing these challenges.


Decoding the Extent and Exposure of Financial Fraud Among DFS Customers

This publication decodes the extent and exposure of financial fraud among digital financial services’ customers and offers insights and policy recommendations.


The Global State of Financial Inclusion & Consumer Protection, 2022

This report details the key findings and provides a source of global data to benchmark efforts by financial sector authorities to improve the enabling environment for financial inclusion and consumer protection.


The Global State of Financial Inclusion and Consumer Protection, 2022

This publication details the key findings and provides a source of global data to benchmark efforts by financial sector authorities to improve the enabling environment for financial inclusion and consumer protection.