All Publications

Showing 211 - 220 of 9053

Consumer Protection for Open Finance Ecosystems

This report identifies several emerging risks related to open finance, and proposes ways in which these risks can be measured, monitored, and mitigated against by leveraging the data available in open finance ecosystems.


Digitally Enabled Climate Finance

This report provides emerging insights on the role of mobile and digital technology in accessing and delivering climate finance in low- and middle-income countries.


Fairness in Algorithmic Decision Systems: A Microfinance Perspective

The paper discusses fairness in artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled credit-scoring systems, and highlights the importance of considering the strategic role of the organization when developing and evaluating fair algorithm-enabled decision systems. 

Slide Deck

Global Landscape: Data Trails of Digitally Included Poor (DIP) People

This reading deck puts a spotlight on the specific data trails generated by digitally included yet poor people, the sources of these data trails, and variations of data trails across different segmentations.


Instant Payments and Merchants — Pricing Policy Considerations

This technical note helps explain why changes in instant payment pricing are occurring, assesses their impact on market development, and offers suggestions for the path forward.

Guide / Toolkit

Responsive by Design: Building Adaptive Social Protection Systems in South Asia

The purpose of this report is to apply the adaptive social protection framework to the South Asian context to guide future dialogue and policy making.


Starting the Transaction: Payment Initiation and Customer Experience

This technical note is framed to help policymakers and payment system operators understand recent trends in payment initiation and customer experience in making interoperable payments work better for low-income populations.

Slide Deck

Study to Assess the Role and Impact of Women Self-Help Groups as Banking Agents in Bihar​

This slide deck provides the main findings from a CGAP research exploring the role of gender in developing rural agent networks in Bihar State, India, through the State Government's Bank Sakhi Program.



The Landscape of Microinsurance 2022

This 34-country microinsurance landscape report tracks the uptake of inclusive insurance products and services in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. 


The Role of Catalytic Capital in Digital Markets: Successes, Pitfalls, and Lessons Learned

This report focuses on the role of catalytic capital in the digital credit industry and highlights the limitations of a framework that does not consider broader market-level consequences of such investments.